Old ConMan

Thursday, July 22, 2004

No mood to write

Don't know why, this few days no mood to write anything. Can't find the feel to write something. Now listening very loudly to a few songs, trying to find calmness in noisy space. This is one of the few way I can let go myself and let my thought wander to something unpredictable. Being in noisy space can also increase my concentration... hehehe... I don't know why, and I know it sounds crazy, but being in noisy place let me feel comfortable.... but these places will spoil my hearing sooner or latter... :D ...

I am planning to watch King Arthur next week, hopefully during Wednesday where the parking is free and ticket is cheap, hehehe.

When having the urge to write something artful but couldn't get it done, is a very frustrating feeling. Sometime, someone at somewhere some way back told me that I am a perfectionist. I quite disagree with her, but later found out that... it might be true. Based on a few question and test I did to myself told me that the result is.... TRUE.

True? hehehe... how come true when I don't feel so demanding about my work?

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Spiderman2... again

Watched this movie again... for the second time! This time did not watch it in cinema. I happened to see it screen in a mamak stall, so I just ordered a drink a watch the beginning part of it. Can't help feeling it was a nice movie: good story plot, nice shot, and appropriate actor/actress. It's actually too similar to our life... minus the hero part. Nothing always goes our way most of the time. Imagine the life we had: always late, can't date the best girl, empty glass in party, want to help troubled people but in the end own problem couldn't solve, always no money (to pay rent, buy new clothes, etc), ... blah blah...
This movie is suitable to watched with girls... hehehe... the story plot is so heart-warm... but both time I watch it alone ... well, I can't help thinking about a very funny thing. Most of the time we mimic movie story line, especially those romantic line to be said to your girl. How about looking deep into your girl's eye and tell her... "With great power comes great responsibility?" ... hehehe...
Listening to: Kelly Chan's 記事本

Monday, July 19, 2004

Berapakah harga bagi sebuah nyawa?

Hati ini sangat pilu. Teramat sedih. Dunia tidak lagi seindah dulu. Kisah Darren mati akibat bergelut dengan 11 pemuda amat menyayatkan kalbu. Apa yang lebih memilukan lagi ialah orang yang berada di tempat kejadian cuma memandang kejadian ini berlaku tanpa melakukan apa-apa. Masyarakat telah berubah dengan disedari dan tanpa disedari. Tidak kira siapa yang mulakan, siapa yang bersalah... ini tidak sepatutnya melibatkan satu nyawa.
Paling sedih semestinya orang yang paling menyayanginya - keluarga dan bakal isterinya. Ibu bapa Darren semestinya tidak dapat menerima hakikat bahawa anak lelaki tunggal mereka mati bukan akibat duit berjuta-jut, atau atas sebab yang lebih menyakinkan; tetapi adalah atas sebab kerana sepatah ayat. Lebih-lebih lagi mati di Malaysia, tanahair yang selama ini dianggap aman dan damai. Bayangkan si bakal isterinya berdiri di tepi melihat orang yang dijangka akan hidup bersamanya seumur hidup dibelasah bertubi-tubi dengan dahsyatnya. Pasti gila jadinya seandai si bakal isteri itu adalah anda.
Peristiwa ini membuktikan beberapa kenyataan:

  1. Nyawa tidak lagi bernilai dalam masyarakat sekarang.
  2. Semua orang mementingkan diri sendiri.
  3. Fikiran kebanyakan orang masih tidak matang. Masyarakat masih terbahagi kepada kaum/kelas/agama.
Tak sampai hati lagi untuk terus menaip coretan ini. Kalian semua selamat malam.

Friday, July 16, 2004

Very full...

Today's dinner very full. Why? I ate twice. First at 6:30pm. I ate nasi lemak ayam with a friend. The second meal come at 8:30pm. It's "chai tao kueh". Bought it from pasar malam. My plan to diet seem to fail fail fail... *sigh*... It's not my fault. Actually bought it for another colleague, but he went back early. So? In the spirit of don't waste any food, I "volunteerily" ate it... :p ...
Today's first dinner is enjoyable. I had not seen this friend of mine, HM, for quite some time. We talk a lot of recent's progress of each other. He had just going half way through his internship. Between work and study, he prefered the later. Of course, studying is sure fun!!
As for pasar malam, today I and a colleague of mine bought a lot of food, just like previous visit. But this time, we bought something different. I bought a bear bear for handphone! Hehehe... it's sooooo cute. It's a pity I can't post the picture here, and my Geocities account won't allowed external linking from it's site... hahaha...

Thursday, July 15, 2004

Big, big hole..... everywhere.

Why are Malaysian roads all full of hole? Big hole, small hole, here hole, there hole... every car will brake suddenly or swing dangerously to one side whenever there's a hole, endangering those beside and behind them.

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Selfish parking dude...

Awww.... how often do you see a car parking at 2 parking lot? or a motor occupying 1 parking lot when actually if park properly can still park a car? sometimes when some people's car get too big they tend to simply park as if the government doesn't exist. How did they get their license? I bet they will definitely fail their parking test if there's one properly conducted. Nowadays, it's too easy to get a license, and thus the driver's quality driving dropped.

These few days I met quite a lot of these drivers, which makes me mad... because now, parking space is so scarce..

(I am trying to be very polite here... as in other day, I will use all my foul words to address these people... celaka betuii....)

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Water dripping

This is the water purifier that I bought recently. RM29.90. From Giant. Very cheap. The water taste good too. G-Tech brand. Priced at RM39.90, but at the cashier counter, it's detected as RM29.90. Previously, I was buying mineral water from supermarket - and that had burn quite a big hole in my pocket. My water supply here is not very clean and with a plastic smell. Ever since I used this G-Tech, my woe had gone.

I love to watch the water sipping through the purifier, dripping slowly. The level of water will slowly go up, and I am so eager to pour in new water to be purified.

Monday, July 12, 2004

crab... yum yum...

Last night was a crab night. 3 crabs in a dish, with many other side dish. Wow, my aunt is really a great cook. I really can't understand why her children want to order pizzas and won't eat her cooking. Maybe eat too much nice food?

Today my car lost control while raining. Luckily nothing bad happened. It went spining abit, due to my sudden brake because the car in front me does a sudden break too. I felt like driving a 4WD, coz the car skidded to road side which is full of mud! I was so excited, but in the meantime felt relieve that everything's under control. Oh my, I must drive slower next time while raining.

Today is a day I drove a Camry for the first time too. It's big and stable, and a joy to drive. Though short distance only, it's an enjoyable experience. To date, I had drove Kancil, Iswara, Rusa, Wira and Satria. Wow, all are local made car.

Sunday, July 11, 2004

A list of things that ...hmm... I think of going to buy

Should I buy a DVD player OR a DVD drive? I am looking forward to buy myself a DVD drive/player. Nowadays, most CD comes in DVD format, even those that comes with magazine. DVD can store a few times more content than average CD. With that, I might save more space (no need so many CD scatering around) and more $ since price for CD is quite expensive too.

I just saw that a 29" TV is just RM549 in Giant Hypermarket! Wow, sooooo cheap!! For the equivalent price, I can buy a 21" flat TV too. Now that small devil voice inside me kept on pestering me to buy a TV....*sigh*...

I had just upgraded my lousy speaker to an E-view brand. Not bad, considering the price is quite cheap and sound quality is acceptable. Now I can rock the place upside down :p ... hehehe...

Did I just say I need to eat roti for the rest of the month!!?! Awww.... I need to wait for a few more weeks... :(

Wednesday, July 07, 2004


Today kena saman-ed. Really unlucky. Park my car at road side, and kena towed away. 1st time kena towed. Fined RM195. I should have felt very sad indeed... but guess what, I was smiling like an idiot on the bus all the way to get my car. I don't know why I was smiling, but I guess those sitting beside me on the bus must think I am crazy (coz I talked on the phone in the bus telling my cousin that my car kena towed due to illegal parking).

At the saman place, there's an angry guy shouting mad at all available officers. It's quite scary, because an man in anger is always capable of doing a lot of unthought things. His son's car get towed for illegal parking for around 10 minutes (he claimed he was at the bank, it's hard to get parking... and just for a 10 minutes only) ...

After getting my car, I went over to my aunt place for a delicious Mi Hun Kueh dinner and some beers. Later in the night, I went for Spiderman 2. It's a really nice movie, and I love the way the director shot this movie. Peter Parker is just an ordinary hero, after all. The actress not so pretty (well, only pretty at the poster...:p)... that means, hero no need to have a pretty gf after all.. hahaa.. not like all other hero movies.

So, for the rest of the month... I have to eat roti for every meal...

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Bak Zhang

Today is the first time I eat bak zhang this year :( ... no go back home so can't taste bak zhang... Din buy any at road side... still remember that last year my colleague got bring me bak zhangs... this year don't have :( ... hahaha... it's time I learn how to make 1 myself...

So I am eating 2 nyonya zhang for dinner... hehehe... though cold, but it's still nice. I like to eat bak zhang a lot, and coincidentally I am born around Duan Wu Jie period... so that might be the reason why I like to eat so much... :D..

My godmother can make quite a tasty zhang too, and it's a pity I seldom see her nowadays. I always felt guilty, coz only remember of her during Chinese New Year and Duan Wu Jie (hehehe, coz her bak zhangs are my favourite...). I need to "Fan Xing" myself, cannot be so mean... hehehe... I must find some time to visit her...

So, lessons to learn from this Duan Wu Jie: Pay more visits to my godmother.