A list of things that ...hmm... I think of going to buy
Should I buy a DVD player OR a DVD drive? I am looking forward to buy myself a DVD drive/player. Nowadays, most CD comes in DVD format, even those that comes with magazine. DVD can store a few times more content than average CD. With that, I might save more space (no need so many CD scatering around) and more $ since price for CD is quite expensive too.
I just saw that a 29" TV is just RM549 in Giant Hypermarket! Wow, sooooo cheap!! For the equivalent price, I can buy a 21" flat TV too. Now that small devil voice inside me kept on pestering me to buy a TV....*sigh*...
I had just upgraded my lousy speaker to an E-view brand. Not bad, considering the price is quite cheap and sound quality is acceptable. Now I can rock the place upside down :p ... hehehe...
Did I just say I need to eat roti for the rest of the month!!?! Awww.... I need to wait for a few more weeks... :(
DVD player.. definitely.. watching DVD in TV is more syok!
of course, if can, buy both. haha
micol, at July 14, 2004 at 6:35 AM
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