Today kena saman-ed. Really unlucky. Park my car at road side, and kena towed away. 1st time kena towed. Fined RM195. I should have felt very sad indeed... but guess what, I was smiling like an idiot on the bus all the way to get my car. I don't know why I was smiling, but I guess those sitting beside me on the bus must think I am crazy (coz I talked on the phone in the bus telling my cousin that my car kena towed due to illegal parking).
At the saman place, there's an angry guy shouting mad at all available officers. It's quite scary, because an man in anger is always capable of doing a lot of unthought things. His son's car get towed for illegal parking for around 10 minutes (he claimed he was at the bank, it's hard to get parking... and just for a 10 minutes only) ...
After getting my car, I went over to my aunt place for a delicious Mi Hun Kueh dinner and some beers. Later in the night, I went for Spiderman 2. It's a really nice movie, and I love the way the director shot this movie. Peter Parker is just an ordinary hero, after all. The actress not so pretty (well, only pretty at the poster...:p)... that means, hero no need to have a pretty gf after all.. hahaa.. not like all other hero movies.
So, for the rest of the month... I have to eat roti for every meal...
In KL, if kena towed the car, need to pay RM175 saman only... haha... and you know what, if you go for rayu, probably you can get discount... I did it before, and only paid for RM20 per saman... :P
micol, at July 14, 2004 at 6:27 AM
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