Chinese New Year
Chinese New Year (CNY) is just around the corner, again. Time for new clothes, new hat, new bag, and new girlfriend :p.
I can't manage to buy any new clothes, as I can't find suitable one. This year, I parted from my previous taste, looking for RED colour shirt or T-shirt to go with this new year. Hmm... maybe I might as well get my hair RED too... hohoho ....
Normally, the Chinese will also be sending CNY greeting card among each others. For previous years, I had been receiving from various people, but I never returned their cards. Guess I don't get used to such practice. But this year, I think I must change a bit my attitude. Maybe I will return a handwritten notice "Thank you" to them and still not sending them CNY greeting card? hahahaha....
All people if same then no meaning liao larr. I love to see things which is handwritten, not just signature only. I like to see personally written message, not those just being forwarded around. Sometimes, whenever I received forwarded messages, I would reply the message with a little wit and perhaps try to create some new & fresh counter SMS... (though some of them not very "readable" :D ). Like that when you receive my SMS then it will be fresh from the oven, not an expired one... ;)
This CNY too I will be getting a longer holiday unlike other years. It's fun to be spending so much time doing something different from your normal routine. Hope that I won't be bored!
micol, at January 30, 2005 at 10:05 PM
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