Old ConMan

Monday, December 06, 2004

clear vision... or no?

也許你 就要遇到 雷雨閃電的暴風圈  
也許 就要遇到 烏雲密佈 灰色陰天  
凍的像冰霜 北國下雪天 停下腳步 想想我

也許你 就要遇到 淚流不止的風沙天  
也許以後 天氣預報 不會再有晴天  
也許到最後 終點是藍天 ... - 黄义达 < 蓝天 >

Why is the Mega Sales not here yet? I am still waiting to change my spectacle. It had been with me for more than 3 years. It's the 3rd spectacle I had.

My first spec was a cheap plastic spec. If not mistaken, should cost much less than RM100. It's a very old fashion one, cheap till when wearing it looks like a budak si miskin like that. I first wore it because I start to have short-sight, and it's still at an early stage. But because I can't ogle lenglui's 3 figure see the blackboard clearly in class if I am not wearing spec, I ended up buying it so that I can wear it when I want to ogle lenglui see the blackboard more clearly. I like it very much, especially when I want to look pretend to be someone stupid or become an ulat buku yg pelik seekor tuu. Sometimes, I will bring it out and wear it for fun, coz it does bring me some nostalgic feeling...

Then came to the time when I just can't stand not wearing spec anymore. I can't see if a lenglui got "Mars surface" on her face boh, or if the person in front of me is a pretty girl or an ah kua. That's where my 2nd spec comes into my life. It's a golden spec, quite big, and is a bit octagon in shape. It's a multi-coated glass version, not plastic. It cost me around RM300+, and from then onwards, I officially become the speckie superhero guy. My vision is so clear that I can tell you whether a cow about 2KM away is picking it's nose or shitting.

This spec follow me for about 7 years, before finally retired into my car becoming my spare-part. During this 7 years, it had also seen the girls I secretly admired, yeah... the one that's Miss A, B, C, D and E...but due to it's big and outdated design, I didn't manage to convince these lenglui that my actual age is less than 20... :(

I need to convince myself actually I am still 20+ nia. I sure can still captivate lots more lenglui.


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