My hair style... is changing
我已剪短我的髮 剪斷了牽掛
長長短短 短短長長
我已剪短我的髮 剪斷了懲罰
一刀兩斷 你的情話 你的謊話 ~~ Gigi 梁詠琪 < 短髮 >
After having it short, now it's time to do some pattern liao liao thing. Flipping through some magazines, surfing the net and staring at most people's hair, I had come up with some ideas.
Monday - get to look something like Dash (The Incredibles... hehehe..). All my colleagues stare weirdly at my new hair-style, but nevertheless I just treat it nothing happened.
Tuesday (Today) - Slice it to the front and tilt the front hair to the right. Looks much better. Even got compliments from an old friend which say I look much younger... ehem... (hey dad... I am starting to be back to normal...eheheh).
Wednesday (tomorrow) - hm... not yet think of anything yet. How about some suggestion?
How bout leave it uncomb? Natural hairstyle from waking up from your bed~
Excitedly Yours.
Anonymous, at November 23, 2004 at 9:20 PM
post some photos ... or send some photos of ur new hair style to me?
yunyun, at November 23, 2004 at 9:41 PM
ok. can e-mail to anyone who request... hehehe... but, i can't post pictures in this blog... very dangerous :p :p ... coz i dun want any stranger leng lui who frequent my blog to start stalking me after seeing my ... ehem... yentau pic... :p ;p :p
*vomit*... *vomit*...
another1000, at November 23, 2004 at 11:20 PM
I, your avid fan, would like to request a picture of your new, exciting hairstyle. I hope you will approve my request and email a copy to me as well.
Your cooperation is much appreciated.
Thank you.
Excitedly Yours.
Anonymous, at November 24, 2004 at 5:18 PM
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