Old ConMan

Thursday, November 04, 2004

The unwritten blog...

Another long vacation for my blog. Many times I stopped by to scribble something, but ended up with nothing. Feeling & expression are very unstable lately. Is it an excuse? Finding an excuse is the norm these days. Reason = excuse?

Everything doesn't need a reason. That's what I am thinking about a few years back. Sometimes, I am thinking of something that shouldn't require any thinking. Complicated thinking. Complex thinking.

Have not been doing things I enjoy lately. Almost forgot what are the things I enjoy doing. Or, do I have something I enjoy doing?

Will vs Fate. Who's the Fate Decider?

Still chewing a tasteless chewing gum.


  • Reason != excuses :)
    I understand your feeling. In fact, I'm asking my self everyday "What am I doing now? Is there something meaningful I can do for my self?". This kinda feelings, sometimes, will bring in some bad results.
    Well, cheer up, friend!
    I miss your charming smile while drinking cola from the cola can.. haha..

    By Blogger micol, at November 4, 2004 at 10:36 AM  

  • Just a step at a time till u suddenly have an idea what you want to do with life? Thats what I am doing now.

    Excitedly Yours.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at November 4, 2004 at 5:06 PM  

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