Wo Yao De Xing Fu
Stephanie Sun's WoYaoDeXingFu is my favourite song during my 3rd year in U. I like the melody; it's beat time is unique and energizing at the same time. It gives me a feel of like... a lost soul in a busy and complex life that suddenly sees light at the end of a long tunnel... though dim, uncertain and sometimes doubting, the light is giving hope... be it false or artificial, it's still a hope.
Living alone sometimes is fun but at most time is lonely and timeless; fun in terms of everything you do are things you want and enjoy doing... lonely in terms of the joy is only felt by you alone, no one to share your joy or your sorrow, which means your joy is not maximised, and the joy is a lonely felt joy...timeless in terms of you don't have anything to compete and compare with; you do at your own pace, no hurry, or another words... wait, rot and die...
So whenever I hear this song, I am sort of agitated... I would gaze out of my window (I live in 2nd floor), look far far out into the other end...and visualize my tunnel's light...
Suddenly so 感性? "Living alone sometimes is fun but at most time is lonely and timeless" - I agreed of your view. I'm a person who dislike to live alone. Because I like to talk to others, share views with others. And, only when staying with others, I will be more energytic and positive thinking.
micol, at September 30, 2004 at 9:32 AM
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