My room being invaded by Henry...
i can't stand it anymore. There goes my chocolate. My Mamee also habis. My Gardenia roti also not let off. Angry sial... Now, Henry wanna tackle my delicious roti jem...
I can't sit here doing nothing. I must do something. Something must be done. Anything to stop him from getting something. Everything shouldn't be within his reach...
(For your information, Henry is .... *i strongly suspect it is*....a mouse.... ).
What should I do to keep my tomorrow's breakfast safe from him?!?
Henry is Jerry's cousin brother? Hmm.. I've got a brilliant idea. Whenever u buy chocolate, set a piece for Henry. Same goes for Mamee n jam. So if u give him a little, he wont invade your portion of food. =)
Try it, it works like magic~
Good luck~
Anonymous, at October 13, 2004 at 11:23 PM
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