直到細雪飛下來 蕩進遠處深海
甚至兩腳走不動 先想到 離開
直到你說不回來 直到我說 活該
拿下了你這感情包袱 或者反而相信愛
* 你是千堆雪 我是長街 怕日出一到彼此瓦解
看著蝴蝶扑不過天涯誰又有權不理解 (唯獨怪時間真快)
你是一封信 我是郵差 最后一雙腳惹盡塵埃
忙著去護送 來不及拆開里面完美的世界
認錯旅店的門牌 認錯要逛的街
* 你是千堆雪 我是長街 怕日出一到彼此瓦解
看著蝴蝶扑不過天涯誰又有權不理解 (唯獨怪時間真快)
你是一封信 我是郵差 最后一雙腳惹盡塵埃
忙著去護送 來不及拆開里面完美的世界 ~~ 《 郵差 》 王菲
Slept late last Sunday night, at about 3am. Can't sleep. Too much tension built up on me. The problem lies with me, so nothing to complain about.
Went to Jaya Jusco, and stopped by at the Osim demo. Was invited to a free massage using iSqueez . Nice. RM1400. Expensive. I remember back the Ogawa machine mum's using. I wonder what's it's fate right now... hehehe... heard from mum that she still uses it a few times a week.
Still remember the night which I had a long talk through the phone with mum. It should be a Sunday night. She and dad just back from Malacca the previous day. They had went shopping, and come across a foot massaging machine by the brand Ogawa.
Mum had been having sleepless night these years, as slightest sound would awake her in the middle of the night, e.g. the lizard farting etc... . So, she always look sleepy, and would not let off any opportunity to sleep :D.
So, the CULPRIT should be THE salesman/girl. After much of the sales talk... blah blah blah..."good for health"-lah... blah blah ... "can have good sleep"... blah blah ... "can be very energetic" ... blah blah... "ah? your son haven't got a gf? this can make your son quickly find a gf"... blah blah... they were "talked" into having a try out at the machine. "awwwww....." "ouch" "ouch"... this should be the expression given by them during the try-out.
So, after that, they found that their feet to be lighter (can like the kungfu "dragonfly walk on the water"...)
MUM: eh... the machine buei pai (not bad) leh... now I can continue shopping for 5 more hours also legs won't tired...
DAD: *legs in the air*.... awwww.....
THE salesman: hey mam.. now got offer. if you buy this machine within this promotion period, we will give you this, this, this, this and that, all worth RM$$$. see... it's so worth it. normally we won't be giving these gifts. Please support me lah... I still got a lot of children waiting for me to feed...
MUM: Eh, this one not bad huh... got so many free gifts...
DAD: Let's consider first loh...
--- back to the telephone conversation ---
Mum talk a lot about what they did at the shopping mall that day. And she mention about the Ogawa machine. Don't know because of that machine or because too tired walking a few ten kilometre around the shopping mall that day, she say she had a very nice sleep that night. Dad also say that he feel good too (well, i guess yes since he also follow in walking a few ten km that day too... hahahaha....).... So they were considering whether to buy that machine or not. Well, I think you can guess the ending here. Here comes the "now still filial" son filling the role of someone-gotta-pay the bill.
*the above conversation and some of the scene are purely my imagination*...
It feel so good to buy something for someone you love dearly. I wonder if dad will be jealous coz I bought a RM1000+ gift for mum (also for dad's use, what) and buy a RM100+ bicycle for him. I love both mom and dad equally... so, don't jealous ok?
A NOTE from the author: I don't know why, I would consider many times before buying something expensive for myself (sometimes will regret later, even though the thing's useful to me), but when buying this machine, I am buying with JOY and without much thinking. What a wonderful feeling and decision...
But... I am also poorer by now *sob sob*..... hehehe... no wonder there's a saying "poorer people are much happier".
instead of OGAWA, you can consider 'Gintell' (oh, wonder this is the correct spelling or not), cheaper plus almost the same functions. If not mistaken, it's few thousands cheaper ler.. can save that to buy an iPod / new PDA la. ;)
micol, at January 21, 2005 at 4:27 PM
ogawa or osim got retail store, easier whenever you need service. plus gintell is a taiwan brand rite? hmm...
Anonymous, at January 24, 2005 at 12:18 AM
hey, why long time never update one?
Anonymous, at January 24, 2005 at 12:20 AM
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