Old ConMan

Thursday, December 23, 2004

back...for a while

It's 11:59pm. Taking a break from my work. Rushing to complete a website for my product.

Just moved in to a new environment. New + friendly housemate. Nice room. Excelent view from the windows (notice the "s" in "windows"... I have 3 windows in my bedroom...ehehehe...). Cool air-cond (though I will seldom use it, due to the windy condition of the room). Quiet surrounding (good for those retiring). Fabulous girls...


There's tonnes of babes living neighbouring my house. The house next to mine just housed 18 girls!!!!!!! I can't imagine how's my life gonna be for the next few weeks! Life is sooooooo unpredictable.

......... back to reality ..........

I am old. I am tired. I am lonely. I am losing. I am fatter. I am stupiditing (grow stupid at an alarm speed). I am broke. I am pity. I am hungry. I am thirsty. I am a lot of "I am..." ... and the list is growing...

Monday, December 06, 2004

clear vision... or no?

也許你 就要遇到 雷雨閃電的暴風圈  
也許 就要遇到 烏雲密佈 灰色陰天  
凍的像冰霜 北國下雪天 停下腳步 想想我

也許你 就要遇到 淚流不止的風沙天  
也許以後 天氣預報 不會再有晴天  
也許到最後 終點是藍天 ... - 黄义达 < 蓝天 >

Why is the Mega Sales not here yet? I am still waiting to change my spectacle. It had been with me for more than 3 years. It's the 3rd spectacle I had.

My first spec was a cheap plastic spec. If not mistaken, should cost much less than RM100. It's a very old fashion one, cheap till when wearing it looks like a budak si miskin like that. I first wore it because I start to have short-sight, and it's still at an early stage. But because I can't ogle lenglui's 3 figure see the blackboard clearly in class if I am not wearing spec, I ended up buying it so that I can wear it when I want to ogle lenglui see the blackboard more clearly. I like it very much, especially when I want to look pretend to be someone stupid or become an ulat buku yg pelik seekor tuu. Sometimes, I will bring it out and wear it for fun, coz it does bring me some nostalgic feeling...

Then came to the time when I just can't stand not wearing spec anymore. I can't see if a lenglui got "Mars surface" on her face boh, or if the person in front of me is a pretty girl or an ah kua. That's where my 2nd spec comes into my life. It's a golden spec, quite big, and is a bit octagon in shape. It's a multi-coated glass version, not plastic. It cost me around RM300+, and from then onwards, I officially become the speckie superhero guy. My vision is so clear that I can tell you whether a cow about 2KM away is picking it's nose or shitting.

This spec follow me for about 7 years, before finally retired into my car becoming my spare-part. During this 7 years, it had also seen the girls I secretly admired, yeah... the one that's Miss A, B, C, D and E...but due to it's big and outdated design, I didn't manage to convince these lenglui that my actual age is less than 20... :(

I need to convince myself actually I am still 20+ nia. I sure can still captivate lots more lenglui.

Sunday, December 05, 2004

Me... a supermodel?

I can't believe it. Really can't believe it.

I was "conned".... by my parents... aww...

How come they become so smart?!? ...


It's a hot sunday. We had just finished our lunch. Mom suggested that we go to The Store to buy some daily stuffs. I agreed. Dad just proceed driving us there. We found a parking, and straight go to the ground floor.

Next, everybody was on the escalator. I just realised that daily stuffs are supposed to be on the ground floor.

Me: *in chinese, of course* .. hey mum, aren't we supposed to be on the ground floor? that's where all the daily stuffs are...
Mum: *with a wicked smile*... today we are going to buy new clothes for you.
Dad: *sly grin*... yeah... that day the long pants I bought here is very nice to wear. Mum say want to buy one for you.
Me: *shocked*... *regret* ... *kena conned's reaction* ... awwwww .... *sulking*...

Everytime when they want to buy new clothes for me, I will be smart and give some excuse like ... go to another department (book, toys etc) before they manage to come up with that suggestion or step into the gents department... coz... I simply don't like to buy new clothes. What for spend unnecessary $ on new clothes when all the clothes I have are neither torn nor too small for me to wear. And moreover, the clothes I want to buy is either too expensive or no correct colour/size. Ok... i am giving too much excuses... back to the story.

Mum: *flipping over a mountain of pants*... hey, this is nice... the colour suites you too.
Me: *sulking*... do I have any choice...

For the next 1 hour, I am going into various changing room at various location trying out various type of fashion. This is the result of the many years of unwanting to let them buy new clothes for me... all the total time for all these years being accumulated to let me suffer in this 1 hour...

Mum: How about this? *showing to me 1 t-shirt that I surely won't spend my RM9.90 on such design, let alone the actual price which is RM39.90*
Me: awww..... dowan...
Dad: *stern look* ... Try it out first...
Me: *crawling into the fitting room*....

Even the salesgirls were laughing at me. Looking at my last century outfit, they just can't imagine such an ah pek can wear anything decent. But everytime I come out from the fitting room, I am just like... the patung model... exactly so handsome and "dashing" ... like 20 years being waived from my age... ehem... ehem...

Looking at the cute salesgirl...
Me: No choice lah, my brother here (pointing to my dad) want me to look much younger... ehehe... btw, you look very cute. You have any boyfriend?
Cute Salesgirl: *giggle*... *blushing*....
Mum: *knock hard on my head*.... nah, try wear this and stop talking rubbish...
Me: *meng-engsot kembali ke dalam fitting room*...