crab... yum yum...
Last night was a crab night. 3 crabs in a dish, with many other side dish. Wow, my aunt is really a great cook. I really can't understand why her children want to order pizzas and won't eat her cooking. Maybe eat too much nice food?
Today my car lost control while raining. Luckily nothing bad happened. It went spining abit, due to my sudden brake because the car in front me does a sudden break too. I felt like driving a 4WD, coz the car skidded to road side which is full of mud! I was so excited, but in the meantime felt relieve that everything's under control. Oh my, I must drive slower next time while raining.
Today is a day I drove a Camry for the first time too. It's big and stable, and a joy to drive. Though short distance only, it's an enjoyable experience. To date, I had drove Kancil, Iswara, Rusa, Wira and Satria. Wow, all are local made car.
Sometimes its a joy to read what u posted. Thats what I do early in the morning when I got to office, while the mood is still happy n joyful, before starting a stressful day at work. The crab sounds good, have not been eating good seafood for long. Aye, DO drive slower during rainy days or after rain. Nothing is more precious than your life and the life of other road users. You have a super duper bright day ahead! =)
Anonymous, at July 12, 2004 at 5:46 PM
yupe, I like crab... do you know that seremban's bbq crab is very famous dish?? hehe..
micol, at July 14, 2004 at 6:37 AM
oh yeah?... then u must bring me thereeeeee.... :D
another1000, at July 14, 2004 at 7:56 AM
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