Very full...
Today's dinner very full. Why? I ate twice. First at 6:30pm. I ate nasi lemak ayam with a friend. The second meal come at 8:30pm. It's "chai tao kueh". Bought it from pasar malam. My plan to diet seem to fail fail fail... *sigh*... It's not my fault. Actually bought it for another colleague, but he went back early. So? In the spirit of don't waste any food, I "volunteerily" ate it... :p ...
Today's first dinner is enjoyable. I had not seen this friend of mine, HM, for quite some time. We talk a lot of recent's progress of each other. He had just going half way through his internship. Between work and study, he prefered the later. Of course, studying is sure fun!!
As for pasar malam, today I and a colleague of mine bought a lot of food, just like previous visit. But this time, we bought something different. I bought a bear bear for handphone! Hehehe... it's sooooo cute. It's a pity I can't post the picture here, and my Geocities account won't allowed external linking from it's site... hahaha...
hehe yeahh udang di sebalik batu? guy with a bear bear on hp? i dont like those hanging stuff.... very lehcheh to stuff into pocket. hehe
jelly, at July 18, 2004 at 2:38 AM
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