Really very tired...
Felt very tired for the last few days, with real sleep at only about 5 hours everyday. Sometimes, having 24 hours access to Internet isn't a good thing after all. One need to have discipline, else we can get lost in heaps and heaps of information available around us.
I always got lost in these information. What do we call that? Information overloading? I like reading, knowing about everything and anything that I can lay my eyes on. Being too greedy? I felt like that at some of the times. Most of the information seems not very important for me right now, but I just read it anyway.
I should stop surfing so much now. I need to take a rest. Look-up friends. Chat. Supper. Play bowling. Watch movie. Find a part-time girl friend... hehehe...
play gunbound with me!!!!!
hmm part time gf? where to find...??
jelly, at June 6, 2004 at 8:41 AM
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